
Also, I was a stereotypical tourist who took snapshots that reminded me where I was...

I also got to see a bunch of palm trees. I never see those..

I got to travel with friends, get to know them better... Here's the crew that presented.

And my fabulous advisor who made it all possible... She certainly is one fun gal...

I got to see some wonderful presentations other than mine...

And, I also got to meet people I look up to and respect their writing and what they write about... for instance, Luis Urietta, Jr. who I cited in my paper! It was great to meet him...

I also made sure to partake in the night life... Being there on Halloween was certainly an interesting experience.

I also enjoyed being silly!

And the fact that this was a vending machine blew me away... I had to take a picture of this...

I had a great time. Although I have the longest, saddest, cruelest flight to and from... My ass will be sleeping for awhile. Momma's tired!!! I loved the experience... I'm ready to go home though.
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