Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama-- I hear ya!!!

have made no effort to try and hide my pride and support for Barack Obama. Today, I will share in my hope for change, a hope for a new direction, with fellow friends and family as we watch the coverage of the Presidential Election. I am ardently passionate that in this wonderful, beautiful and incredibly rich country that we are uniting together to restore those notions--those ideas that build us up, not break us down and tear us apart. The notions that can de-marginalize the marginalized and to connect the dots that have been so dismally broken in the past eight years.

Becoming a parent, being at the stages of life I am in, and the direction my informal and formal education has navigated me, I am concerned about this country's, my daughter's, my own self's, future and welfare. I can agree to disagree with those that do not favor the issues that Obama is in favor of, but I will continue to embrace and practice my constitutional right of being able to speak freely of my political views, that are no less an extention of identity.

And for me, this election is just that--the defining of an identity. Who are we as a country? What do we stand for? How do we display that to the world, to our local communities, our neighbors? I, for one, do not identify with the former administration's choices or ideas. I do not want others to identify me in that way, and so in this way, in my voice to speak and to vote, I share my identity as an individual who supports diplomacy, social welfare, and social justice for all, not just the select few that have privileged and profited off of the ideologies of exclusion and exploitation.

Happy voting day & Go OBAMA!

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